Advanced Metal at Local 17 Chicago (need at least 10 class participants)

Course Details

Start Date: Monday, March 31, 2025
End Date: Friday, April 4, 2025
Travel Day: Sunday, March 30, 2025

Course Structure

5 days
Students will learn advanced metal layout techniques
Content will consist of advanced metal layout techniques.
Taught by peer educators, class participants will learn new methods for metal layouts related to our trade.


Registration is closed.

The Insulation Industry International Apprentice and Training Fund is announcing the opportunity for our training instructors to attend a 5-day Train the Trainer Class for Advanced Metal Layout.  The courses will be held at the Local 17 – Chicago – Apprenticeship Training School, 18520 Spring Creek Drive, Tinley Park, Illinois. This class will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Students will have to travel in on the Sunday before the class is scheduled to start.  Each class will start on Monday at 7:00 AM and be completed on Friday at noon.

There MUST be at least 10 people in each class in order for us to hold it.


Travel and Accommodation

The IIIATF Trustees have agreed to the following for those that attend:

  1. Hotel: TBD
  2. Room and taxes will be direct billed to the IIIATF. All other room charges will be your responsibility.
  3. We will be giving each student a per diem of $92.00 a day, for 5 days, for meals, for each class.
  4. Travel reimbursement will be paid to the Local/JATC for their student under the IIIATF Travel Policy.

Please fill out the form below to register.  Do not make travel arrangements until you have received an e-mail notification from Karen Scott that space is available for you to attend class.

We will reserve your hotel room once approved.

Room and tax charges will be directly billed to the IIIATF. Participants are responsible for all other room charges. After attending the training, a travel voucher will be emailed to each student using the email used for registration. Under the IIIATF Travel Policy, travel reimbursement will be paid to either the Local or the JATC.


Due to limited availability, early registration is encouraged.

Some classes may require you to submit certain information or materials, which will be specified in the class description. If you have any trouble registering, please visit the How to Register for Courses page or contact us below.

For any questions or additional information, please contact:

Karen Scott



Deadline to register is Friday, January 10, 2025.