The Insulation Industry International Apprentice and Training Fund (IIIATF) completed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 502 training course in April at the Maritime Institute in Linthicum Heights, Md.

Fifteen Brothers and Sisters from various Locals attended the Three-day course. Local 17 Chicago Training Coordinator Bob McGuckin and Local 17 Instructor Shawn Craven, both International OSHA Master Instructors, led the group.

The OSHA 502 training is a 24-hour refresher course for instructors who have completed the OSHA 500 class. This training course is required every four years, and the IIATF regularly offers the class to keep instructors current on required safety training education.

The IIIATF has many knowledgeable instructors, and each student’s presentation level was impressive. McGuckin said he planned to incorporate some of the ideas presented into his own Local training.

“You get a great refresher on OSHA safety-related topics, but the best part is learning from other OSHA Instructors from all over the country,” said Local 89 Trenton/Atlantic City Training Coordinator Joseph Torretta. “You see so many different teaching techniques and ideas. You can incorporate all this information to present to your home Local.”

IITATF Administrator and OSHA National Administrator John L. Stahl observed the 2023 class and were thrilled with the class participation and topics presented.

“Every year, the presentations that the class gives get better and better,” Stahl said. “I can’t think of the attendees enough. Their passion for training comes through during their presentations to the class.”

Overall, the IIIATF OSHA 502 training course was a success, and the attendees gained valuable knowledge they can share with their Local unions. The IIIATF is committed to ensuring that all the HFIAW instructors stay up to date with their required education and will continue to hold these training courses regularly.

By doing so, they hope to improve their members’  safety and health awareness, ultimately leading to a safer work environment.

The IIIATF thanks the Brothers and Sisters who  attended the OSHA 502 class: Alejandro Celedon, from  Local 5 (attended virtually); Casey Ackler, who presented  on Lockout/Tagout, and Matthew McDowell, who  presented on Evacuation, both from Local 14; William  Hamman, who presented Hazard Communication, from  Local 16; Andrew Chubb, who taught Occupational  Health and Environmental Controls, from Local 23; Walter  Howard, who taught Motor Vehicles, from Local 25; Jakie  Starnes, who presented on Respirable Crystalline Silica  standard for construction, from Local 46; Joseph Mahle,  who presented on Ladder and Stair standards, from Local  50; Robert Cochran, who spoke on Materials Handling and  Storage, from Local 69; Craig Francis, who presented on  Tool Safety, from Local 78; Steven Kelly, who presented  Electrical Safety, and Justin Diddle, who presented on  Personal Protective Equipment, both from Local 80; Joseph  Torretta, who spoke on Fall Protection, from Local 89; and  Forrest Russell, who presented Confined Space Standards,  Mike Turner, who presented on Fire Safety, and Darin  Horn, who presented on Scaffolding, all from Local 207.

The IIIATF thanks McGuckin and Craven for leading this year’s OSHA 502 Class.
