Free Website Design Coming to All HFIAW Local Unions!

This year, the Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Works LMCT made arrangements for a landmark initiative  able to provide local unions with a state of the art, responsive websites. 

The only cost that associated as a local is for the purchase of  domain names and the monthly hosting fees that are quite nominal.  The work that Union Labor Works, the web developer, performs with you is paid through the LMCT.  There will be numerous templates that each local union can choose from. 

Each local union will be able to maintain their website through the content management system with content such as:  News, Events, Training Center information, Benefits Funds, contractors, political action, links, contact information, and much more!  In addition, the sites will be supported with information from the International should you need it such as Social Media, News, and other important content.

The program is in the initial stages however local union business managers can sign up their local immediately to be put into the cue with the LMCT.  All approvals will be handled through the international.  To sign-up you should visit and click on the button for “Not Currently Utilizing the Insulator Website Program.” InsulatorsUnion SignUp

This is truly a ground breaking program and we highly encourage Local Unions to take advantage.  A well maintained website will make for a more informed union member and push our messaging out to everyone in each and every market in the US and Canada.  Sign up today.
