Newly elected Local Union Officers attended the Insulation Industry International Apprentice and Training Fund (IIIATF) New Officers Training course, which was held virtually at the beginning of March due to continued safety concerns related to the pandemic.
New Officers Training is mandatory for newly elected Local Union Business Managers, Business Agents, Presidents and Financial Secretaries. The training helped attendees learn how to succeed in their new positions.
The five-day training began with an introduction from General President Gregory T. Revard, who welcomed the newly elected officers.
The following International Officers and Staff members also made virtual presentations: General Secretary-Treasurer Douglas N. Gamble; Jurisdictional Director John K. Conroy; LMCT Executive Director Pete R. Ielmini; LMCT Deputy Director Gina M. Walsh; IIIATF Administrator John L. Stahl; IIIATF Administrative Assistant Christina Bouchard and International Office Staff member Sheila Sonon.
A wide variety of other subject matter experts participated, sharing information about issues within their fields of expertise, to help educate the new officers.
North America’s Building Trades Unions Director of Field Services Kevin R. Adkisson reviewed the GPMA and the NCA, while labor expert Esmeralda Aguilar spoke about Davis Bacon. Mike Powers, partner with O’Donoghue & O’Donoghue, led a presentation on ERISA, Trust Funds, Fiduciary Duties and Defined Benefits, LMRDA/Fiduciary and Trust Responsibilities/Wage Deductions and Authorization.
Attorneys Robert Kurnick and Lucas Aubtry, from Sherman Dunn, spoke on Duty of Fair Representation, Local Union Elections, Picketing, Handbilling, Fiduciary Duties and Converting CBAs from 8(F) – 9(A) Contracts. Eberts and Harrison, Inc. President Christian Phillips reviewed insurance needs with the new officers and Accountant Matt Haley, director of Novak Francella LLC, who reviewed audits and the necessary measures Local Unions must take.
National Maintenance Agreements (NMA) Policy Committee Senior Director of Industrial Relations Daniel Hogan reviewed the NMA and the practice of working to best meet the trade conflicts as they arise.
The final day of the training event was led by General Secretary-Treasurer Gamble, who reviewed Local Union election rules, offenses, charges and hearings. The session included a mock hearing to show the new officers the processes they must follow.
On behalf of the International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, we extend our appreciation to all of the Brothers, Sisters and professionals who took time during this week’s training to instruct and teach our new Local Union Officers.
Thank you to the following elected Local Union Officers who participated in the 2022 New Officers Training. We hope the training proved beneficial and will enhance your leadership skills and your career as a leader within our Union.
The 2021 New Officers Training class included: Local 3 President Devon Kilbane, Local 10 President Cynthia Traylor, Local 14 President Kevin Sherman, Local 23 President Ronnie Beverly, Local 33 President John Hoey, Local 34 President William Meyer, Local 38 President Phillip Michael, Local 58 Business Agent Cynthia Filion, Local 64 President Thomas Payne, Local 64 Financial Secretary Richard Henderson, Local 73 President Ralph Chavz, Local 74 President Chris Thompson, Local 78 Financial Secretary Donald J. Stanley, Local 99 Business Manager/Financial Secretary Karl Hollinshead and Local 135 President Gerald Bragg.